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Histeroscopias diagnósticas y quirúrgicas Vigo, Histeroscopias diagnósticas y quirúrgicas  ourense, Histeroscopias diagnósticas y quirúrgicas Lugo, Histeroscopias diagnósticas y quirúrgicas  Santiago de Compostela, Histeroscopias diagnósticas y quirúrgicas Galicia, Histeroscopias diagnósticas and surgical in Coruña, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Vigo, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Vigo, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Asturias, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Cantabria, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Santander, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Gijon, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies, diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Salamanca, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Castilla y León, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Zamora, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies Burgos, Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies V alladolid,



The greater the experience of the hysteroscopista y, the better the technology available, the higher level of safety, efficiency in solving problems and much more tolerability of hysteroscopy by the patient.

We perform hysteroscopic surgeries on an outpatient basis in a fully equipped operating room , without anesthesia or with conscious sedation. In this way, patient  perceives what is happening but does not feel any pain. and the effects of the sedation wear off in a few minutes. She is controlled at all times by an anesthetist.


We have more than 15 years of professional experience in performing endoscopic techniques in public and private healthcare.

That implies having carried out thousands of interventions of this type.


​We also have the most advanced endoscopic technology, which provides us with finer hysteroscopes, with much higher quality optics and cameras, which allow better images and easier introduction into the uterus.

This allows us to perform diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopies for the extraction of polyps, fibroids, abortive remains or correction of uterine malformations.

In 95% of cases, patients perfectly tolerate its performance without the need for anesthesia of any kind.

For patients who live far from Vigo, we perform surgeries on weekendshysteroscopic for the removal of large polyps and fibroids.Also malformation surgeriesuterine o deSyndrome de Asherman that prevent or complicate pregnancy.

In this way, the patient can travel on Friday night or Saturday and return to her city on Saturday or Sunday at the latest with her problem resolved.

In 90% of cases, you can go to your workplace the next day and continue with your normal life.

We are specialized in vaginal hysteroscopic surgeries and many of our patients come from other cities and contact us motivated by:

  • The great experience of our professionals.

  • Being able to perform surgical hysteroscopies without any anesthesia or only with sedation is very important, since this avoids the risks and possible side effects that its use can cause

  • For women with large fibroids seeking pregnancy, the uterus is left unscarred, making implantation easier.

  • The facilities we give to adapt to your time availability.

  • Amount of intervention very reasonable.

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