An early prenatal diagnosis is of the utmost importance since it allows us to identify or rule out the presence of possible malformations and genetic alterations in the fetus in order to advise parents if any of them are identified.
In this way, prenatal diagnosis allows us to explain which is the best place where the baby should be born in case problems arise, as well as advise them on current legislation in case serious anomalies are identified.
The doctor is often consulted about the possibility of giving birth to a child affected by a congenital disease and the possibilities that medicine can offer to avoid it. The advances of the last 40 years in genetics and ultrasound have allowed us to gain insight into fetal physiology, pathology, and behavior.
It should be noted that with prenatal diagnosis, not only are the organs of the fetus seen, we also look for risk markers to establish the probabilities that the mother will develop serious diseases during pregnancy such as hypertension and preeclampsia or that the baby may grow less than normal. expected. These markers also guide us on the type of follow-up that should be carried out during pregnancy.
These types of tests are based on blood tests, ultrasound and Doppler, a type of ultrasound that studies the blood vessels. In each trimester different problems can be detected that can affect the pregnancy.