university studies
2008 Surgeon - Central University of Venezuela (UCV). Escuela Luís Razetti _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
2009 Homologation of the official Spanish university degree de Degree in Medicine and Surgery
2013 Specialization in Internal Medicine Venezuelan Red Cross. Caracas Venezuela. Degree obtained: Internal Medicine
2016 Specialization in Dermatology and Syphilography. Central University of Venezuela. Hospital Universitario de Caracas. Title obtained: Specialist in Dermatology and Syphilography
Courses, Workshops, Conferences and Congresses
Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Course. Venezuelan Red Cross. October 2004. Duration 4 theoretical and practical hours. Caracas Venezuela
First aid course. Venezuelan Red Cross. November 2004.
IV Congress of the Venezuelan Society of General Practitioners. 2009.
VI Ibero-American Meeting of Pediatric Dermatology. February 2014.
XVI Update Conference on Dermatological and Aesthetic Therapeutics. July 2014. Caracas Venezuela
VII Conference on Aesthetic Dermatology. Caracas April 2015.
Chemical peel application workshop. VII Conference on Aesthetic Dermatology and Anti-aging. Caracas Venezuela April 2015. Caracas
IV Course: The importance of topical therapy in dermatology. Venezuelan Society of Medical, Surgical and Aesthetic Dermatology. July 2016
V Course for residents: Basic Dermatological Surgery. October 2017.
IX Conference on Aesthetics and Antiaging of the Venezuelan Society of Dermatology. November 2017. Caracas Venezuela
Botulinum Toxin Workshop at la IX Conference on Aesthetics and Antiaging of the Venezuelan Society of Dermatology. November 2017. Caracas
XXXV Annual Meeting of Latin American Dermatologists RADLA. Bogota-Colombia May 2017.
Practical theoretical course: Facial Treatments with PDO Threads. Caracas Venezuela, March 24, 2018
X Conference on Aesthetic Dermatology. April 2018 Caracas- Venezuela.
Moderator: master class. Treatment with recombinant enzymes PBserum. X Conference on Aesthetic Dermatology April 2018. Caracas.
Hyperpigmentation workshop in folds. X Conference on Aesthetic Dermatology April 2018. Caracas Venezuela.
XIX Update Meeting on Dermatological and Aesthetic Therapeutics “Dr. Antonio Rondón Lugo”. July 26, 27 and 28, 2018.
Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dermatology Course. ATD July 2018
[2004] Recognition for qualifications obtained in the academic period 2003-2004 Department of Normal Anatomy. Central University of Venezuela.
[2005] “Dr. José Izquierdo. Venezuelan Athenaeum of Morphology.
[2015] Award for excellence, performance and sense of belonging, which the Hospital de Clínicas Caracas confers on its workers, to highlight their commitment, responsibility, willingness, dedication, teamwork and quality of service.
[2015] “Juan Di Prisco” Forum Award. LI Annual Meeting of Medical, Surgical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Work: KIT signaling in melanoma. Caracas Venezuela.
[2015] Winner of mini-cases. LI Annual Meeting of Medical, Surgical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Work: Reactional Phenomenon in Lepromatous Leprosy. Venezuela
[2017] Forum Award “Dr. Jose Manuel Soto. LIII Annual Meeting of Medical, Surgical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Work: NK cells in autoimmune blistering diseases. Caracas Venezuela
[2017] Jobs Syndrome: Excellent response to high dose intravenous Immunoglobulin G. Winner “Cases of the Year” at the 13th World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology. Chicago- USA, 2017
[2018] Winner of the PRIZE best clinical case at the X Conference on Aesthetic Dermatology- Venezuela. Case: "Beyond a tattoo, a systemic disease"
Angiomatous eccrine hamartoma: report of an unusual case and therapeutic management. Dermatol Venez 2016;54 (2): 51-55
Study of epidemiological and clinical factors in infantile hemangiomas. Pediatric Dermatol. 2017;34(S1):S100-S212:
Jobs Syndrome: Excellent response to high dose intravenous Immunoglobulin G. Pediatric Dermatol. 2017;34(S1):S14-S27
Co-author of the book Rosacea An integral vision 2018- Ibero-Latin American Group. Chapter Topical treatment Alpha-agonists
Outpatient "Carlos Soublette" Venezuela. Rural doctor 09/08 to 09/09
Atias-Caracas Clinic: Adult Emergency Resident from 09/02 to 09/12.
Vista Alegre Clinic: Caracas Venezuela: Emergency Resident and Adult Hospitalization from 10/01 to 10/12
Hospital Carlos J. Bello. Venezuelan Red Cross: Internal Medicine Graduate Resident. January 2011- December 2013
Hospital de Clínicas Caracas: Adult hospitalization doctor. January 2012
Hospital Universitario de Caracas: Postgraduate Resident in Dermatology and Syphilography. January 2014- December 2016
CDD Las Mercedes: Dermatologist-Internist. January 2017- 2018
Medical Office- Torre Maracaibo- Caracas: Dermatologist, Internist and Private Health Insurance Doctor. January 2017- June 2018
Laser Aesthetic Dermatological Center CDEL- Caracas: Dermatologist- aesthetic medicine. March 2017- September 2018
Doctor's Office Dr. Jorge Vera- Caracas: Dermatologist, internist and aesthetic medicine. March 2017- October 2018
Full Member of the Venezuelan Society of Dermatology
Collegiate No. 363607684. Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Pontevedra