Cancer is always named after the place where it originated. So if cervical cancer spreads to the lungs (or anywhere else), it's still called cervical cancer.
cervical cancer
In general, uterine cancer does not usually generate initial symptoms. Because of this in most cases it is only detected when having a cytology_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_or already in the most advanced stages of cancer. Therefore, in addition to knowing what the symptoms of cervical cancer are, if they occur, it is convenient that women should have periodic gynecological check-ups, to that they undergo the preventive exam called papanicolaou (cytology) and initiate early treatment, if necessary.
When it causes symptoms, can cause signs like:
Bleeding vaginal without cause apparent and outside the menstruation
Altered vaginal discharge, with bad odor or brown coloration, for example
Abdominal pain o pelvic constant, which may worsen when going to the bathroom or during intimate contact
Sensation of pressure en the bottom of the belly
Urination more frequent, including during the night
Rapid weight loss without dieting
Ovarian cancer
Diagnosis of early-stage ovarian cancer is difficult to establish, because symptoms usually do not appear until the cancer has spread, and because many other less serious diseases have similar symptoms.
The diagnosis is usually suspected when a pelvic mass is detected in a routine gynecological examination. Ultrasound, axial tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging and a blood test called CA-125 strengthen this suspicion, which will have to be confirmed in the operation.
It develops mainly in women between 50 and 70 years; globally, about 1 in 7 women develop this disease. It is the third most common cancer of the female reproductive system, but instead more women die from ovarian cancer than from any other cancer that affects the reproductive system.